Monday, January 7, 2008

Motivational & Inspirational Stories: The Credo

No matter how concentrated and concerted our efforts to the contrary, the simple truth is, at times, life is going to throw some significant challenges our way - often times when we are lest expecting. So not if, but when this happens - it will be primarily our perspective that will ultimately determine the nature of our attitude. And it will be primarily our attitude that will ultimately determine the nature of our response.

For this reason, and countless others, those who can manage to maintain a passionate, inspired approach to each and every day create a tremendous edge for not only effectively dealing with life's immanent lows - but for maximizing the quantity and quality of life's potentially magnificent highs... not to mention simply being considerably more happy and fulfilled on a daily basis.

So how can you begin to maintain a passionate, inspired approach to each and every day? That's the easy part. Believe it or not, it's as simple as beginning to alter your everyday perspective by changing the things that you expose yourself to, talk about, think about and dedicate time to -.. on a regular basis. Exposure to anybody and everything negative, to the extent possible, should be eliminated - otherwise severely minimized.

Have you ever spent a considerable amount of time around someone who is overwhelmingly negative? Did you notice the affect to your psyche, spiritual equilibrium and overall energy level? If you are anything like me, the longer you stay around that extreme negativity - the more draining it becomes. Much like Superman in close proximity to a chunk of a certain glowing green mass from home, there have been times I could literally feel my energy... my spirit my 'Mojo... being inexplicably drawn from my body and mind. After a long period of exposure, I didn't particularly want to achieve anything, improve anything, create anything, aspire to anything or help anybody. I just wanted to, no needed to, go somewhere and commence to recover.

Conversely, spending ample time around someone who is inherently upbeat, energized, purposeful, inspirational, motivational and continually aspiring to be better is a sure fire way for me to come away from the interaction feeling considerably more inspired and more empowered... that much more ready to believe in myself - and more committed to strive for my dreams and aspirations.

Well interestingly enough, it works in a similar fashion with exposure to low dosages of negativity or positivity on a steady basis. Negative comments, thoughts, perceptions, expectations, words and deeds will do nothing, over time, but limit your potential - and ultimately tear you down. Truly positive influences on the other hand, from wherever they come, such as motivational and inspirational books for instance, collectively can continuously challenge, encourage and motivate us - forever nudging us forward... forever reminding us that never has a home run been the outcome of either a timid or non-existent swing.

The bottom line is life tends to play out much better when we have the ability to positively influence its outcome. And the most effective way to be that positive influence is to simply create a you that is continuously influenced by positivity. Do that and you can't help but be a more positive person. And if you are a more positive person, you can't help but be incrementally happier and more fulfilled in this life - even when a challenge or two finds you.

Here's the SomethingToShare signature motivational and inspirational passage, "Begin Anew" (also featured in the inspirational book, "The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me... Once: Stories and Perspectives to Help You Unlock Your Amazing Potential") to get you started. Read it, consider it, then read it again. For each time you read it, and anything else positive you can get your hands on - and dedicate the time and energy to absorb it... you can't help but have a little more perspective, and be a better person. And the world can't help but be a better place...

Each day, be inspired – then aspire to more…

D Anthony

Inspirational Author and Motivator

Author of “The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me… Once

Founder of and

© 2008 D-Rose Productions, All Rights Reserved

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The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me...Once

This is a book of potential, faith, purpose, hopes and dreams. This is a book about the importance of time, the power of choice, growth, toughening up and having a heart, commitment, passion, and inspiration. This is a book that considers the ups and downs, life, and death – and what it all means. More than anything however, this is a book that considers a journey’s impact, a life-long quest for meaning, happiness and fulfillment, and the resulting stories, perspectives, and lessons that I have collected along the way.
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