Sunday, December 23, 2007

Motivational & Inspirational Stories: The Christmas Spirit

Well, it has finally hit me. I woke up yesterday morning and decided it was time to break out the Christmas music. Okay… I know it’s a little late in the season for most - but what can I say? The Christmas Spirit hits… when it hits.

Perhaps, for me, it’s my very own personal psychological backlash on behalf of the unabashed, over-the-top mass commercialism, outlandish spending and the apparent lack of recognition for the true meaning of the season. Don’t mind me however. I guess my real problem is I’m just a tad bit nostalgic for the way things used to be - the caring… the tradition… the generosity… the authenticity… the goodwill… the sense of family, neighborliness and friendship… the wonder… the fascination… the timelessness… the simplicity… the love…

Or perhaps it’s simply my ever ascending age giving way to eternally flawed memories. I’d be willing to wager a little though, that some truth lies in my longing desire for the past. For instance, I can remember the Christmas many, many years ago when all I wanted was a Slinky. It was all I asked my parents for – and, largely ignoring other toys, all that I played with for the bulk of the day. Boy, I certainly went up and down the steps a few times that day. Somehow though, I have difficulty envisioning that happening with the kids, and the kind of gifts expected, today.

Just the same… The Christmas Spirit is upon me. And in a few hours, when I head out to finish up my shopping – perhaps I’ll come across an occasion or two to, through some simple and charitable deed, do my part to remind a few other last minute shoppers of what the Christmas season used to be all about.

And for those of you reading this who do celebrate the season – I dug up one of my earlier passages on the topic. Take a few seconds and consider the following… what Christmas is, what it was - and what we truly want it to be about…

This Holiday Season …

We celebrate the birth of the Son

The revival of our spirit for giving

The rejuvenation of love for mankind

And the rekindled essence of living

We give thanks for the blessings bestowed

For friends and family, whose love we hold dear

For health, physical, emotional and spiritual

And economic stability throughout the year

In that Spirit let’s pledge the gift of kindness

On behalf of someone not otherwise known

Inspired with the love signified by the birth

An act where the real spirit of Christmas is shown

Merry Christmas!

And the world will be a better place…

D Anthony

Inspirational Author and Motivator

Author of “The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me… Once

Founder of and

© 2007 D-Rose Productions, All Rights Reserved

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The Nurse in the Delivery Room Slapped Me...Once

This is a book of potential, faith, purpose, hopes and dreams. This is a book about the importance of time, the power of choice, growth, toughening up and having a heart, commitment, passion, and inspiration. This is a book that considers the ups and downs, life, and death – and what it all means. More than anything however, this is a book that considers a journey’s impact, a life-long quest for meaning, happiness and fulfillment, and the resulting stories, perspectives, and lessons that I have collected along the way.
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